So now that we've got a week of holidays from courses, Ive come back to Ireland for a few days, got nice cheap flights with Ryanair !! Had to get connecting flights and I was in Stansted for 6 hours last night, sleeping on the floor was not good. I got back yesterday morning though and went out last night for 'a few', it's great seeing everyone again and the dinner I had this evening was the best .
Had one exam last week, comptabilite analytique went terribly 100 % sure i didnt get the pass on that one unfortunately. Only got myself to blame though, my preparation wasn't the best seen as I was in Barcelona with the two lads for the weekend beforehand. We had a class time though and Razmatazz is the coolest club ive ever been in so anyone planning a trip to Barca give it a gander!!
Not much other news sister's school is doing there annual play this week, 'Little Shop of Horrors' and she's got a main part so Ill check that out tomorrow.
Anyways Ill be back soon to see ye all
You stay classy Montpee