lundi 4 février 2013

Studying in English

Even though I was born in France and always lived here, I always knew since my early ages that I would go and live in an english speaking country. After my baccalauréat, I chose to enter a LLCE license in Paul Valery (Lettres, Langues et Civilisations Etrangères), where the classes where taught in english. As you may know, and this is not a cliché, french people are really bad at foreign languages, and don't really care to even make an effort to say a few words when needed. Don't ask me why but I have always been passionated about the english language, and felt so sad that no one around me would speak english correctly. Choosing an english degree after high school, and now being back at school learning Management courses in english, felt like natural choices for me. Plus, meeting foreign students is amazing, for all the sharing of experiences, knowledge, and their open-mindedness !!
The only regret is that I would have loved to have more native-english teachers.

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