mardi 5 mars 2013

More advice

The first advice I'd give someone coming to Montpellier would be: Don't think just because it's the south of France it's warm all the time. When I first got here I was so happy that I had changed my mind last-minute and had taken my coat. The wind can be cruel here...

Secondly you should prepare for unfriendly people in the student residency. First I thought they might not like  foreign students, cause dealing with them is more difficult because of the language barrier... but now I think they just don't like students in general. Don't take it personally, they're probably just unhappy with their jobs...

Recognizing people checking tickets in the tram is easy in Montpellier, as was already said before. In Berlin they're hiding much better, they never get into the train in groups and they will most certainly NEVER wear a uniform. (so Kenji come to Berlin and try your best :P ) Here you get around without a ticket pretty well since the ticket inspectors always appear in flocks and wear black jackets with a not-so-subtle colourful TAM patch.
Btw, does anyone know what happens or how high is the penalty is when you get caught without a ticket??

The most important administrative things have already been mentioned several times: CAF, CROUS etc..

1 commentaire:

  1. 30euros, one of my french classmates from IUT got caught, she was pretty sad! :D
